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Protan Elmark company has occurred as a reliable partner and confirmed great experience and professionalism.

We would like to inform that during our long cooperation Protan Elmark company has occurred as a reliable partner and confirmed great experience and professionalism.

High quality of products and standard of customer service shown, that Protan Elmark is one of a leaders of Polish aluminum halls market and we have no hesitation in representing them in our country and commending them to any other company.

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+36 96 525 550

Kapcsolattartási adatok

Partnerünk Magyarországon

Ákos Both 
Fe-Bobo Bt. 
H-9027 Győr 
Tibormajori út 13 (Ipari Park) 
tel: +36 96 525 550
fax: +36 96 525 551 
e-mail: info@febobo.hu

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