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Profi Stany

Thank you for your positive approach and I look forward to further cooperation in the new year.

I would like to thank you for the existing successful collaboration we started together at the beginning of this year.

During this period we have managed to implement some good projects like storage halls and horse riding halls and Turkish tents.

Our customers are very satisfied with these products and it is only a matter of time for further expansion of sales. Your positive attitude, quick response to our demands and top products are considered a big competitive advantage and it helps us very much in our development.

Thank you for your positive approach and I look forward to further cooperation in the new year.

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Hozzájárulás az elektronikus (e-mail) formában történő kapcsolatfelvételhez.


+36 96 525 550

Kapcsolattartási adatok

Partnerünk Magyarországon

Ákos Both 
Fe-Bobo Bt. 
H-9027 Győr 
Tibormajori út 13 (Ipari Park) 
tel: +36 96 525 550
fax: +36 96 525 551 
e-mail: info@febobo.hu

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